Solimán López
11am – 4pm
Chronus Art Center (No.18 Bldg, No.50 Mo Gan Shan Rd)
Event Ticket
Workshop 200
CAC Member 120
Student 100
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*Only 20 seats available, R.S.V.P
Have you ever imagined to replicate yourself in a digital world, breaking through the physical limit on your body? The new technologies allows our body to be grafted to a freer, more expansive digital world, and used as a transistor of emotions being converted in new aesthetics and sense of communication.
As the new program devised for CAC 5th Anniversary celebration, CAC Atelier will start up its very first workshop of the series in the end of this month. Organized by CAC resident artist Solimán López, the workshop, Feeling Recordings, will introduce the photogrammetry, a techniques widely applied in film production and computer game, and the motion capture Optitrack from scratch. Participants will also have a chance to try out CAC new equipment Skeleton Motion Tracking system, acquiring a hands-on experience of how to replicate a virtual self in 360 degree.

< Schedule >
11am – 1pm
Introduce photogrammetry techniques and recordings
360° photographic scan
—— Break ——
2pm – 4pm
Artists’ examples of techniques application
Introduce motion capturing techniques and recordings
< Tips >
· Only 20 seats available for the workshop.
· Participantsare recommended to bring their own laptop.
· The softwares Photoshop, Photoscan, Blender / Cinema 4D are recommended to be installed on laptop in advance. We will also assist with the installation during the event.
· One reflex camera with 35-50 mm lens will be provided during the introduction of photogrammetry. Participant who wants to have in-depth experience is recommanded to prepare themselves if they have one.
About the Artist
Solimán López (Burgos, 1981 – Spain) BA in Art History and Art and Communication Master, is media artist, researcher, Harddiskmuseum founder and director of the I+D+i Department in ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnologíade Valencia). He develops his work and investigation applying and analyzing technology from a conceptual and technical point of view, creating digital art, performances, interactive and multimedia works, investigating the social changes made possible by the technological revolution and the new language proposed by the digital debate. He is well known for the works related with the meaning of digital files.
About CAC Atelier
CAC Atelier will be a monthly series of workshops to introduce the basics of media creation technology to participants of all ages with no prior experience. It will cover programming, web design, music production,video-game development, and even gadget exploration. CAC Atelier will not only offer cutting edge technological knowledge to curious participants, but it will also offer a hands-on and innovative experience.